Exacerbations in COPD and asthma patients living in the vicinity of livestock farming

Duration: Feb 2014 - June 2014

Living in the neighbourhood with a high density of livestock has been associated with adverse respiratory health in the general population. As COPD and asthma patients already have a compromised lung function and chronic airway inflammation, these patients are expected to be at increased risk.

This study aims to gain more insight into the association between the proximity to livestock and exacerbations in COPD and asthma patients.
900 COPD and 2546 asthma patients in a rural area with a high density of livestock farms were included in the study.

Exacerbations were defined based on the pharmaceutical treatment of exacerbations in COPD and asthma patients using prescription data of electronic medical records of general practitioners. The number of swine, poultry, cattle, goats, sheep and minks in a 500 m radius from home was computed using Geographic Information System data. Mutually adjusted multiple Poisson regression analyses were performed.

Associations between exposure to livestock farms and exacerbations in COPD and astma.