Nivel carries out high quality healthcare research with a demonstrable impact upon society. All of our research results are publicly available and can be used, provided the appropriate source is cited.
Colophon and copyright
Our high-quality, reliable and independent scientific research deals with topics of major social importance. With the knowledge we produce, we contribute to the continuous improvement and innovation of healthcare.
There are several different parties involved in the development and management of the Nivel website:
Text: the texts on the Nivel website are written under the management of Nivel Research Communication Center. They are based on available scientific knowledge on the topics covered on this website. Nivel researchers monitor the scientific reliability of the information. On each website page, Nivel employees involved in the content production are listed as Contacts.
Images: the photographs on the Nivel website are sourced and provided – under license – by, or they are created or commissioned by Nivel. The illustrations (and icons) on the Nivel website are created by Nivel or various parties commissioned by Nivel. The videos are made by various parties commissioned by Nivel.
Web design: Enof Creative Communication, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Website building: Atom, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
All results of research conducted by Nivel or in collaboration with Nivel are published by Nivel in the public domain. You will find all our publications (English and Dutch) at Publicaties (on the Dutch Nivel website) and the selection of just all our English publications at Publications (on this international Nivel website).
Copyright © Nivel 2022
Source citing
Information from Nivel publications (reports, factsheets, infographics and other downloadables) may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. The source disclosure components of Nivel publications are:
[Authors], [Publication title]. Utrecht: Nivel, [year of publication].
Information on a Nivel website page may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. The source disclosure components of Nivel publications are:
Nivel [Internet],[full url of the relevant page], accessed [day-month-year].
Images on Nivel website pages: photos on the Nivel website are sourced and provided, under license, by, or created by Nivel or by parties commissioned by Nivel. The illustrations on the Nivel website are created created by Nivel or by parties commissioned by Nivel. None of the images on the Nivel website may be used in any way for other purposes. (For the images in our publications (downloadables), see ‘Information from Nivel publications’ above).
Questions or comments
Do you have any questions or comments about the Nivel website? If so, please contact the content stakeholder mentioned at the relevant webpage (as ‘contact’), or send an e-mail to We are looking forward to get in touch with you.
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3513 CR Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 30 272 9700