Jesper Dros, MSc
Researcher (PhD candidate) Learning Health System
As a PhD Student, I conduct research on routine health data which provides information for a learning health system. My focus is on care paths for specific diagnostic groups such as patients with osteoarthritis in the knee and hip. I look at effects of health policy measurements on these care paths and whether shifts occur in the care provided over time. This project is a joined initiative from the Netherland Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel) and the National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland).
- 2024|Dros, J.T., Dijk, C.E. van, Böcker, K.B.E., Bruins Slot, L.C.J.A.F., Verheij, R.A., Meijboom, B.R., Dik, J.W., Bos, I. Healthcare utilization patterns of individuals with depression after national policy to increase the mental health workforce in primary care: a data linkage study. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 15.
- 2023|Dros, J.T., Dijk, C.E. van, Bos, I., Meijer, W.M., Chorus, A., Miedema, H., Veenhof, C., Arslan, I.G., Meijboom, B.R., Verheij, R.A. Healthcare utilization patterns for knee or hip osteoarthritis before and after changes in national health insurance coverage: a data linkage study. Health Policy: 2023, 133, p. Art. nr. 104825.
- 2022|Roelofsen, M., Dros, J.T., Conijn, D., Meijer, W., Verheij, R. Feedback voor oefentherapeuten: leren van je eigen zorgdata. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oefentherapie: 2022(1), p. 7-9.
- 2022|Dros, J.T., Bos, I., Bennis, F.C., Wiegersma, S., Paget, J., Seghieri, C., Barrio Cortés, J., Verheij, R.A. Detection of primary Sjögren’s syndrome in primary care: developing a classifcation model with the use of routine healthcare data and machine learning. BMC Primary Care: 2022, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 199.
Before graduating from the master program Health Policy & Organisation in 2020 at the VU in Amsterdam, I worked as a physiotherapist from 2016 onwards, both nationally and internationally. Also, I have worked with electronic health records and medical claims data in several hospitals.
2007 – 2013: Atheneum (GSF De Huizermaat)
2013 – 2017: Physiotherapy (Hogeschool Utrecht
2015 – 2016: Physiotherapy Sciences (Premaster, Universiteit Utrecht)
2018 – 2019: Health Sciences (Premaster, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
2019 – 2020: Health Policy & Organisation (Master, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
2013 – 2017: Physiotherapy (Hogeschool Utrecht
2015 – 2016: Physiotherapy Sciences (Premaster, Universiteit Utrecht)
2018 – 2019: Health Sciences (Premaster, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
2019 – 2020: Health Policy & Organisation (Master, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)