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The changing face of primary care: the second Dutch national survey.

Jones, R., Schellevis, F., Westert, G. The changing face of primary care: the second Dutch national survey. Family Practice: 2004, 21(6), 597-598
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In 1987, a national survey of general practice in The Netherlands was undertaken, and this has now been followed by the second survey, completed in 2001, involving 194 GPs in 104 practices, with 400000 patients, and including 1.5 million doctor–patient contacts, 2.1 million prescriptions and generating an extraordinary database of 2784 video-taped consultations.

The survey was undertaken and analysed along six themes: the health of the population; the utilization of care; inequalities in health; quality of care; communication in general practice; and organization and workload.

The results were presented and discussed at a recent conference ‘Dutch general practice on stage’ preceding the European WONCA meeting in Amsterdam in early June.

The results are fascinating, and contain strong messages for other health care systems, at least in western, industrialized countries.