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Cholesteatoom: een wolf in schaapskleren.

Santing, L., Eijk, R. van der, Donker, G. Cholesteatoom: een wolf in schaapskleren. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2012, 55(2), p. 78-81.
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The symptoms of cholesteatoma are similar to those of otitis media or otitis externa, but the disorder can lead to major hearing impairment. Patient and doctor delay can be potentially harmful and should be prevented as much as possible. The main symptom that should arouse suspicion of cholesteatoma is recurrent otitis media accompanied by persistent loss of hearing. Cholesteatoma is not common in adults and even less so in children, but can have a major impact on their development and career. It is a difficult diagnosis for general practitioners because the incidence of cholesteatoma is low whereas middle ear infection and hearing loss are common disorders. Otoscopy is the main investigation for assessing the ear, and audiometry can be used to assess the hearing impairment. The patient history is also important for the diagnosis of cholesteatoma. Patients with recurrent otitis and symptoms suggestive of cholesteatoma should be referred to an ear-nose-throat specialist. (aut. ref.)