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De bruikbaarheid van een CQ-index voor de ggz, verslavingszorg en gehandicaptenzorg: eerste bevindingen.

Wijngaarden, B. van, Kok, I., Sixma, H. De bruikbaarheid van een CQ-index voor de ggz, verslavingszorg en gehandicaptenzorg: eerste bevindingen. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2008, 86(8), p. 463-470.
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Until recently CQI questionnaires for measuring patient’s experiences with health care generally were developed for use in somatic care. Nowadays CQI’s are also developed for psychiatric, addicted or (mentally) disabled patients. Due to the length and wording of the CQI the feasibility for these patients groups is questioned. As the results of the CQI will be used as national quality indicators, the necessity of reliable and valid data is obvious. In this paper the first results of the CQI psychiatric, addicted or (mentally) disabled patients are discussed. Two studies indicate that the CQI for patients in short-term ambulatory care results in valid and reliable data, using standard CQI assessment by mail survey. Also results for inpatients are promising although some help is needed. Those living in sheltered houses are able to complete the CQI with assistance of an interviewer. The results of the CQI for mentally disabled patients are less promising. Patients have difficulties understanding the questions and several do not complete the interview. Alternative methods of assessment are recommended. The CQI is not feasible for use in patients living in long-stay clinical facilities. Only few are able to complete the instrument. Use in this patient group therefore is dissuaded.(aut. ref.)