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De effecten van Video Interactie Begeleiding op de kwaliteit van de communicatie tussen wijkverplegenden en oudere cliënten.

Caris-Verhallen, W., Kerkstra, A., Grypdonck, M., Bensing, J. De effecten van Video Interactie Begeleiding op de kwaliteit van de communicatie tussen wijkverplegenden en oudere cliënten. Verpleegkunde: 2002, 17(4), 172-185
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This paper describes an empirical evaluation of communication skills training for nurses in elderly care. The training programme is based on Video Interaction Analysis and aimes to improve nurses' communi- cation skills so that they pay attention to patients' physical, social and emotional needs and support self care in elderly people.
The effects of the training course were measured in an experimental and control group. They were rated by independent observers, by comparing videotapes of nursing encounters, before and after training. Twenty-four nurses participated in 166 videotaped nursing encounters. Multi-level analysis was used to take into account similarity among same nurse encounters.
It is found that nurses who followed the training programme, provide the patients with more informa- tion about nursing and health topics. They also use more open-ended questions. In addition, they are rated as more involved, warmer and less patronizing. Due to limitations in the study design, it can not be demonstrated that these findings can entirely be ascribed to the training course. Further research, in- corporating a randomized controlled design and larger sample sizes, is recommended to determine whe- ther the results can be attributed to this specific type of training. (aut. ref.)