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Development of the national Dutch PEWS: the challenge against heterogeneity and implementation difficulties of PEWS in the Netherlands.
Fuijkschot, J., Stevens, J., Teheux, L., Loos, E. de, Rippen, H., Meurs, M., Groot, J. de. Development of the national Dutch PEWS: the challenge against heterogeneity and implementation difficulties of PEWS in the Netherlands. BMC Pediatrics: 2023, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 387.
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For the early recognition of deteriorating patients several Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) systems have been developed with the assumption that early detection can prevent further deterioration. Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there is no national consensus on which score to use and how to embed the score into a PEWS system. This resulted in a substantial heterogeneity of PEWS systems, of which many are unvalidated or self-designed. The primary objective of this study was to develop a pragmatic consensus-based PEWS system that can be utilized in all Dutch hospitals (University Medical Centers, teaching hospitals, and general hospitals).
This study is an iterative mixed-methods study. The methods from the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative were used and consisted of two Delphi rounds, two inventories set out to all Dutch hospitals and a focus group session with parents. The study was guided by five expert meetings with different stakeholders and a final consensus meeting that resulted in a core PEWS set.
The first Delphi round was completed by 292 healthcare professionals, consisting of pediatric nurses and physicians. In the second Delphi round 217 healthcare professionals participated. Eventually, the core PEWS set was been developed comprising of the parameters work of breathing, respiratory rate, oxygen therapy, heart rate and capillary refill time, and AVPU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, and Unresponsive). In addition, risk stratification was added to the core set with standardized risk factors consisting of [1] worried signs from healthcare professionals and parents and [2] high-risk treatment, with the option to add applicable local defined risk factors. Lastly, the three categories of risk stratification were defined (standard, medium, and high risk) in combination with standardized actions of the professionals for each category.
This study demonstrates a way to end a country's struggle with PEWS heterogeneity by co-designing a national Dutch PEWS system. Currently, the power of the system is being investigated in a large multi-center study in the Netherlands.
For the early recognition of deteriorating patients several Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) systems have been developed with the assumption that early detection can prevent further deterioration. Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there is no national consensus on which score to use and how to embed the score into a PEWS system. This resulted in a substantial heterogeneity of PEWS systems, of which many are unvalidated or self-designed. The primary objective of this study was to develop a pragmatic consensus-based PEWS system that can be utilized in all Dutch hospitals (University Medical Centers, teaching hospitals, and general hospitals).
This study is an iterative mixed-methods study. The methods from the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative were used and consisted of two Delphi rounds, two inventories set out to all Dutch hospitals and a focus group session with parents. The study was guided by five expert meetings with different stakeholders and a final consensus meeting that resulted in a core PEWS set.
The first Delphi round was completed by 292 healthcare professionals, consisting of pediatric nurses and physicians. In the second Delphi round 217 healthcare professionals participated. Eventually, the core PEWS set was been developed comprising of the parameters work of breathing, respiratory rate, oxygen therapy, heart rate and capillary refill time, and AVPU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, and Unresponsive). In addition, risk stratification was added to the core set with standardized risk factors consisting of [1] worried signs from healthcare professionals and parents and [2] high-risk treatment, with the option to add applicable local defined risk factors. Lastly, the three categories of risk stratification were defined (standard, medium, and high risk) in combination with standardized actions of the professionals for each category.
This study demonstrates a way to end a country's struggle with PEWS heterogeneity by co-designing a national Dutch PEWS system. Currently, the power of the system is being investigated in a large multi-center study in the Netherlands.
For the early recognition of deteriorating patients several Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) systems have been developed with the assumption that early detection can prevent further deterioration. Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there is no national consensus on which score to use and how to embed the score into a PEWS system. This resulted in a substantial heterogeneity of PEWS systems, of which many are unvalidated or self-designed. The primary objective of this study was to develop a pragmatic consensus-based PEWS system that can be utilized in all Dutch hospitals (University Medical Centers, teaching hospitals, and general hospitals).
This study is an iterative mixed-methods study. The methods from the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative were used and consisted of two Delphi rounds, two inventories set out to all Dutch hospitals and a focus group session with parents. The study was guided by five expert meetings with different stakeholders and a final consensus meeting that resulted in a core PEWS set.
The first Delphi round was completed by 292 healthcare professionals, consisting of pediatric nurses and physicians. In the second Delphi round 217 healthcare professionals participated. Eventually, the core PEWS set was been developed comprising of the parameters work of breathing, respiratory rate, oxygen therapy, heart rate and capillary refill time, and AVPU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, and Unresponsive). In addition, risk stratification was added to the core set with standardized risk factors consisting of [1] worried signs from healthcare professionals and parents and [2] high-risk treatment, with the option to add applicable local defined risk factors. Lastly, the three categories of risk stratification were defined (standard, medium, and high risk) in combination with standardized actions of the professionals for each category.
This study demonstrates a way to end a country's struggle with PEWS heterogeneity by co-designing a national Dutch PEWS system. Currently, the power of the system is being investigated in a large multi-center study in the Netherlands.
For the early recognition of deteriorating patients several Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) systems have been developed with the assumption that early detection can prevent further deterioration. Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there is no national consensus on which score to use and how to embed the score into a PEWS system. This resulted in a substantial heterogeneity of PEWS systems, of which many are unvalidated or self-designed. The primary objective of this study was to develop a pragmatic consensus-based PEWS system that can be utilized in all Dutch hospitals (University Medical Centers, teaching hospitals, and general hospitals).
This study is an iterative mixed-methods study. The methods from the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative were used and consisted of two Delphi rounds, two inventories set out to all Dutch hospitals and a focus group session with parents. The study was guided by five expert meetings with different stakeholders and a final consensus meeting that resulted in a core PEWS set.
The first Delphi round was completed by 292 healthcare professionals, consisting of pediatric nurses and physicians. In the second Delphi round 217 healthcare professionals participated. Eventually, the core PEWS set was been developed comprising of the parameters work of breathing, respiratory rate, oxygen therapy, heart rate and capillary refill time, and AVPU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, and Unresponsive). In addition, risk stratification was added to the core set with standardized risk factors consisting of [1] worried signs from healthcare professionals and parents and [2] high-risk treatment, with the option to add applicable local defined risk factors. Lastly, the three categories of risk stratification were defined (standard, medium, and high risk) in combination with standardized actions of the professionals for each category.
This study demonstrates a way to end a country's struggle with PEWS heterogeneity by co-designing a national Dutch PEWS system. Currently, the power of the system is being investigated in a large multi-center study in the Netherlands.