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Final analysis of Netherlands avian influenza outbreaks reveals much higher levels of transmission to humans than previously thought.

Bosman, A., Meijer, A., Koopmans, M. Final analysis of Netherlands avian influenza outbreaks reveals much higher levels of transmission to humans than previously thought. Eurosurveillance Weekly: 2005, 10(1)
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Between March and May 2003, an unprecedented outbreak of avian influenza occurred in humans in the Netherlands. During an extensive epizootic of influenza A virus H7N7 on commercial poultry farms, 86 cases in poultry workers and 3 cases in people with no poultry contact were initially confirmed by PCR. The predominant symptom was conjunctivitis. One veterinarian developed fatal respiratory distress syndrome after close contact with infected poultry. A questionnaire survey was carried out as a follow up to the outbreak. (aut. ref.)