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Fysiotherapie in verpleeghuizen: het gebruik van fysiotherapie door oudere verpleeghuisbewoners.

Leemrijse, C., Boer, M. de, Ende, E. van den, Ribbe, M., Dekker, J. Fysiotherapie in verpleeghuizen: het gebruik van fysiotherapie door oudere verpleeghuisbewoners. Vox Hospitii: Tijdschrift voor Verpleeghuisgeneeskunde: 2008, 33(4), p. 116-121.
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In this study,we investigated how many nursing home residents receive physiotherapy and which factors relate to the provision of treatment. Data were collected from a random sample of 600 residents admitted for rehabilitation or long-term care, through interviews with nursing home physicians and physiotherapists. On average 69% of the residents received PT, however, this percentage differed significantly across nursing homes. Especially the number of physiotherapists available explained this difference. Residents admitted to a somatic ward for rehabilitation were most likely to receive physiotherapy. This suggests a potential under-use of PT for long-term residents with cognitive problems. (aut. ref.)