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Overzicht stand van zaken en effectonderzoek in de logopedie.

Leemrijse, C., Plas, M., Steultjens, E., Dorgelo, M., Ende, E. van den. Overzicht stand van zaken en effectonderzoek in de logopedie. Logopedie en Foniatrie: 2006, 78(10), p. 290-299.
This article is a reproduction of the original text of appendix 2 of the NIVEL survey about priority of research into the effectivity and suitability of ergotherapy and speach and language therapy (2004). It describes a report on the state of affairs in the extamural speech and language therapy in 2002. The report examines among other things the quantity of speech and language therapists who work extramural and the results of reviews about the effect of speech and language therapy. (aut.ref.)