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Referrals to physiotherapy: the relation between the number of referrals, the indication for referral and the inclination to refer.

Kerssens, J.J., Groenewegen, P.P. Referrals to physiotherapy: the relation between the number of referrals, the indication for referral and the inclination to refer. Social Science & Medicine: 1990, 30(7), p. 797-804.
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This article studies the relation between the referral rate and the type of patients general practitioners refer for physiotherapy. The study population consists of GPs participating in the Netherlands' Sentinel Stations Network, who recorded data on all referrals to physiotherapy during one year and filled in a questionnaire. Results show that the pattern of referral indications of high referring GPs does not differ systematically from that of low referring GPs. High referring GPs evaluate their patients complaints more as purely or mainly somatic. High referring GPs were no more inclined to give in to their patients demands, had busier practices, closer relations with physiotherapists and viewed their knowledge of physiotherapy as more satisfactory than low referring GPs. Some policy implications are discussed in respect to these results. (aut. ref.)