Eva Aalbers, MSc
Junior researcher (PhD candidate) Pharmaceutical Care and Care Demand of the Chronically Ill and Disabled
I work on a PhD project concerned with medication (self)management and labor market participation of people with a chronic disability. Within this project, we focus on the daily practice of medication use at work, the effects of medication use on labor participation and vice versa, the viewpoints of employers and management etc. The goal of this project is to develop an intervention aimed at supporting people with medication management at work, to both improve medication adherence and labor participation.
- 2016|Verkleij, K.A.M., Francke, A.L., Voordouw, I., Sol, B.G.M., Latour, C.H.M., Wallner, C., Baronner, W.M., Jacobs, G., Janssen, B.M., Koopman-van den Berg, D.J.E.M., Bosma, C., Theunissen, J.M.J., Gobbens, R.J.J., Albers, M., Jager, B. de, Keuning, A., Finnema, E.J. Learning communities of community care nurses and lecturers: the exchange of knowledge and skills. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 77. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.
- 2016|Verkleij, K.A.M., Francke, A.L., Voordouw, I., Albers, M., Gobbens, R.J.J. A general picture of the learning communities: characteristics, similarities and differences. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 78. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.