Coordinator research program Professions in Healthcare and Manpower Planning; endowed professor 'Health workforce and organisation studies', Radboud University, the Netherlands
July 2022
BeWell: Blueprint alliance for a future health workforce strategy on digital and green skills
Duration: Jul 2022 - Jun 2026
The BeWell project aims to form an alliance, to build a movement of all healthcare stakeholders supporting and committed to the development, implementation, and upscaling of the strategy on upskilling and reskilling of the European health workforce. The ultimate project aim is to develop a green and digital skills strategy for the health ecosystem that can be implemented at a local, regional, national, and ultimately at the European level through the Pact for Skills. By addressing the existing skill mismatches and strengthening these competencies, the project will enable the health workforce to be better prepared to face future challenges and adapt to ever-evolving societal contexts.
The project methodology is developed based on principles to respect and unite the diversity of Europe's health ecosystem: Patient centeredness; collaboration and co-creation; inclusiveness and diversity; Inter-sectorality; comparative research; dynamic coverage; digital skills for skill-mix innovations in care integration; green skills, and environmental sustainability and responsible practice. The geographical diversity in partners ensures the representation of different cultural, social, political, educational structures, values and traditions.
The project will build comprehensive curricula and training programmes that will target all professionals of the health workforce, including for health students, health professionals (nurses, doctors, operators, managers) and professionals of emerging occupations. The training programmes co-created by universities, VET providers and companies will reach the target populations through initial education and continuing professional development.
Project partners
European Health Management Association (EHMA), consisting of 24 partners in 11 European countries:
- European Connected Health Alliance – ECHAlliance (Ireland);
- EuroHealthNet (Belgium);
- ITS Technical College for New Life Technologies (Italy);
- European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry – COCIR (Belgium);
- EIT Health (Germany);
- University of Thessaly – UTH (Greece);
- European Health Telematics Association – EHTEL (Belgium);
- European Federation of Nurses Associations – EFN (Belgium);
- EUROMASC (Austria);
- Viennese Institute for Labour Market and Education Research – WIAB (Austria);
- European Regional and Local Health Authorities – EUREGHA (Belgium);
- Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research – NIVEL (The Netherlands);
- DATEY (Germany);
- Babeș Bolyai University – BBU (Romania);
- University of Bergamo – UniBg (Italy);
- WHO – European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (Switzerland);
- European Specialist Nurses Organisation – ESNO (The Netherlands)
- CESI (Belgium);
- European Forum for Primary Care – EFPC (The Netherlands);
- Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union – PGEU (Belgium);
- Medical University of Varna – MU-Varna (Bulgaria);
- Biomedical Alliance in Europe – BIOMED ALLIANCE (Belgium);
- Innlandet County Municipality – FagInn (Norway).
Project website url:
The BeWell project aims to form an alliance, to build a movement of all healthcare stakeholders supporting and committed to the development, implementation, and upscaling of the strategy on upskilling and reskilling of the European health workforce. The ultimate project aim is to develop a green and digital skills strategy for the health ecosystem that can be implemented at a local, regional, national, and ultimately at the European level through the Pact for Skills. By addressing the existing skill mismatches and strengthening these competencies, the project will enable the health workforce to be better prepared to face future challenges and adapt to ever-evolving societal contexts.
The project methodology is developed based on principles to respect and unite the diversity of Europe's health ecosystem: Patient centeredness; collaboration and co-creation; inclusiveness and diversity; Inter-sectorality; comparative research; dynamic coverage; digital skills for skill-mix innovations in care integration; green skills, and environmental sustainability and responsible practice. The geographical diversity in partners ensures the representation of different cultural, social, political, educational structures, values and traditions.
The project will build comprehensive curricula and training programmes that will target all professionals of the health workforce, including for health students, health professionals (nurses, doctors, operators, managers) and professionals of emerging occupations. The training programmes co-created by universities, VET providers and companies will reach the target populations through initial education and continuing professional development.
Project partners
European Health Management Association (EHMA), consisting of 24 partners in 11 European countries:
- European Connected Health Alliance – ECHAlliance (Ireland);
- EuroHealthNet (Belgium);
- ITS Technical College for New Life Technologies (Italy);
- European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry – COCIR (Belgium);
- EIT Health (Germany);
- University of Thessaly – UTH (Greece);
- European Health Telematics Association – EHTEL (Belgium);
- European Federation of Nurses Associations – EFN (Belgium);
- EUROMASC (Austria);
- Viennese Institute for Labour Market and Education Research – WIAB (Austria);
- European Regional and Local Health Authorities – EUREGHA (Belgium);
- Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research – NIVEL (The Netherlands);
- DATEY (Germany);
- Babeș Bolyai University – BBU (Romania);
- University of Bergamo – UniBg (Italy);
- WHO – European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (Switzerland);
- European Specialist Nurses Organisation – ESNO (The Netherlands)
- CESI (Belgium);
- European Forum for Primary Care – EFPC (The Netherlands);
- Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union – PGEU (Belgium);
- Medical University of Varna – MU-Varna (Bulgaria);
- Biomedical Alliance in Europe – BIOMED ALLIANCE (Belgium);
- Innlandet County Municipality – FagInn (Norway).
Project website url:
European Commission - European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Project partners
European Health Management Association (EHMA), consisting of 24 partners in 11 European countries