
Publication date

Annual report Surveillance of influenza and other respiratory infections in the Netherlands: winter 2014/2015.

Teirlinck, A.C., Asten, L. van, Brandsema, P.S., Dijkstra, F., Donker, G.A., Euser, S.M., Gageldonk-Lafeber, A.B. van, Hooiveld, M., Lange, M.M.A. de, Meijer, A., Slump, E., Hoek, W. van der. Annual report Surveillance of influenza and other respiratory infections in the Netherlands: winter 2014/2015. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2015. 88 p.
Key points
- Lasting a total of 21 weeks, the influenza epidemic in the Netherlands in the winter of 2014/2015 had the longest duration since more than 40 years.
- The high number of influenza cases has probably led to more pneumonia cases, which is a known complication of influenza, and to higher mortality.
- During the epidemic period, more than 65,000 persons died in the Netherlands; this is approximately 8,600 persons more than the expected number of deaths in this 21-week period.
- This winter, the vaccine effectiveness was lower than expected. It remains unclear whether this contributed to the long duration of the epidemic.

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