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Mariëtte Hooiveld, PhD
Senior researcher Infectious Diseases in Primary Care, surveillance


Mariëtte Hooiveld is an epidemiologist with expertise on (infectious) diseases in primary care. She leads the real-time surveillance system of Nivel Primary Care Database (Nivel PCD), aiming at signaling expected and unexpected trends in health problems presented in primary care. She jointly leads the Sentinel Practices network within Nivel PCD, that is designed to collect information on certain illnesses, events and procedures in general practice that cannot be obtained from routine electronic health records: influenza-like illness, end of life care, eating disorders, etc. Mariëtte collaborates in European studies on surveillance and vaccine effectiveness and is project leader of the national monitor of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptake. She is part-time seconded to the national institute for public health and the environment (RIVM), Centre for Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Surveillance.



2009 – present: Senior researcher, Nivel
2011 – present: Seconded researcher, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
2003 – 2009: Assistant Professor / Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Technology Assessment, Radboud University
2006: Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University Of North Carolina (USA)
1997 – 2003: PhD student, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht University
1996 – 1997: Junior researcher, Dept. of Public Health and Epidemiology, Wageningen Agricultural University
1995 – 1996: Junior researcher, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
1994: System manager, Quang Tri Holland Development And Friendship Association, Dong Ha (Vietnam)
1993 – 1994: Junior researcher, Dept. of Public Health and Epidemiology, Wageningen Agricultural University

2004: Certified epidemiologist
1997 - 2004: PhD Utrecht University. Thesis: "Cancer risk among asphalt workers with exposure to bitumen fumes – an international retrospective cohort study"
1987-1993: MSc Wageningen Agricultural University, dep. of Human Nutrition

Memberships/external committees

Member of the Netherlands Epidemiology Society (since 1992)
Member of the International Society for Disease Surveillance (2016 – 2019)