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Clinical decision support systems for primary care: the identification of promising application areas and an initial design of a CDSS for lower back pain
Oude Nijeweme-d'Hollosy, W., Velsen, L. van, Swinkels, I.C.S., Hermens, H. Clinical decision support systems for primary care: the identification of promising application areas and an initial design of a CDSS for lower back pain In: 17th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, ISHIMR 2015, 24-26 June 2015, York, England. p. 49-59.
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Decision support technology has the potential to change the way professionals treat patients for the better. We questioned thirty-three healthcare professionals on their view about the usage of eHealth technology within their daily practice, and areas in which decision support can play a role, to lower healthcare professionals’ workload. Qualitative analysis resulted in an overview of desired eHealth functionalities and promising areas for decision support technology within primary care. Based on these results, we discuss future work in which we will focus on the development, and evaluation of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for advising patients with physical complaints on whether they should see a healthcare professional or can perform self-care. Next, the CDSS should advise healthcare professionals in selecting relevant training exercises for a specific patient. In first instance, this CDSS is focused on diagnostic triaging and selection of training exercises for patients with nonspecific lower back pain.
Decision support technology has the potential to change the way professionals treat patients for the better. We questioned thirty-three healthcare professionals on their view about the usage of eHealth technology within their daily practice, and areas in which decision support can play a role, to lower healthcare professionals’ workload. Qualitative analysis resulted in an overview of desired eHealth functionalities and promising areas for decision support technology within primary care. Based on these results, we discuss future work in which we will focus on the development, and evaluation of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for advising patients with physical complaints on whether they should see a healthcare professional or can perform self-care. Next, the CDSS should advise healthcare professionals in selecting relevant training exercises for a specific patient. In first instance, this CDSS is focused on diagnostic triaging and selection of training exercises for patients with nonspecific lower back pain.