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Diversiteit in de tijdsbesteding van huisartsen.

Hassel, D. van, Velden, L. van der, Batenburg, R. Diversiteit in de tijdsbesteding van huisartsen. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2016, 59(4), p. 150-154.
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In the context of manpower planning, the number of hours worked by general practitioners was measured using a new and innovative method. The method was based on multiple point observations and made use of text messaging.

For 57 weeks, from December 2012 to January 2014, every week on average 19 GPs were asked, at random, via a text message whether they were working and, if so, whether it was a direct, indirect, or non-patient-related activity.

In total 1051 GPs participated, with 61,320 measurements. Almost 10% of all Dutch GPs participated and hardly any dropped out of the study. On average, a GP work 44 hours/week. About 56% of this time is devoted to direct patient-related activities, 26% to indirect patient-related activities, and 18% to non-patient related activities. There are substantial differences between male and female self-employed GPs, and between contracted GPs and locum GPs. For example, male self-employed GPs work 51.6 hours/week whereas male GP locums work 26.7 hours/week.

The sex- and function-related differences in hours worked between groups of GPs can in part be explained by the number of hours worked per fulltime equivalent. The text messaging method can be used to reliably measure the average number of hours worked by different groups of GPs and was not taxing to participants. (aut. ref.)