Coordinator research program Communication in Healthcare; endowed professor 'Communication in healthcare, especially in primary care', Radboud University, the Netherlands
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Editiorial. Patient Education and Counseling
Eide, H., Dulmen, S. van, Vaglum, P., Mellblom, A. Editiorial. Patient Education and Counseling Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(11), p. 2075.
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The core question in research in communication in healthcare is how communication and the patient – provider relationship can contribute to a patient’s health and well-being. This is the starting point for the organization of the papers in this issue. Several papers address patient’s perspective or possible perspective; as what do respect and autonomy mean to a patient (Beach), the meaning of symptoms (Estacio), how physicians present a choice in a way that makes it difficult for the patient to voice his or her opinion (Landmark) and how vitality training can contribute to live a good life with pain (Zanghi).
The core question in research in communication in healthcare is how communication and the patient – provider relationship can contribute to a patient’s health and well-being. This is the starting point for the organization of the papers in this issue. Several papers address patient’s perspective or possible perspective; as what do respect and autonomy mean to a patient (Beach), the meaning of symptoms (Estacio), how physicians present a choice in a way that makes it difficult for the patient to voice his or her opinion (Landmark) and how vitality training can contribute to live a good life with pain (Zanghi).