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Prof. Sandra van Dulmen, PhD
Coordinator research program Communication in Healthcare; endowed professor 'Communication in healthcare, especially in primary care', Radboud University, the Netherlands


Prof. dr. A.M. (Sandra) van Dulmen studied Psychology. She graduated in 1987 (cum laude) and obtained her PhD in 1996. She works as coordinator of the research program Communication in Healthcare at Nivel. In 2012, she was appointed as Professor in Communication in Healthcare at Radboud university medical center in Nijmegen and later that year also as Professor II at the University of South-Eastern Norway in Drammen, Norway. She obtained a lot of grants for research in the field of provider-patient communication in e.g. pediatrics, oncology, primary care and medical genetics focusing on topics such as shared decision-making, patient participation, empathy, information recall and medication adherence. Many of these projects use technology (eHealth and mHealth) as a way to improve healthcare communication and patient outcomes. This is done by designing, evaluating and testing - in co-creation with patients - web- and smartphone-based participation-enhancing or self-management supporting tools for patients and their healthcare providers. She coordinates a large archive with 18,000 video/audio-recordings of real-life provider-patient interactions collected since 1975. She has successfully supervised 20 PhD students and currently (2021) supervises 11 PhD students. She has published around 235 international papers in peer-reviewed journals and 75 papers in Dutch journals. According to Web of Science, her current Hirsch index is 35 (39 in Scopus).



2012 - 2020: Professor II University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Drammen, Norway
2012 - present: Professor Communication in Healthcare, Dept. of Primary and Community Care, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
2005 - present: Senior Research coordinator Communication in Healthcare, Nivel, Utrecht, the Netherlands
1998 - 2005: Research coordinator Communication in Healthcare, Nivel, Utrecht, the Netherlands
1995 - 1998: Researcher Communication in Healthcare, Nivel, Utrecht, the Netherlands
1991 - 1995: PhD student, Radboud university medical center Nijmegen, the Netherlands
1988 - 1991: Junior researcher, Radboud university medical center Nijmegen, the Netherlands

1996: PhD
1987: MA Psychology (cum laude)

Memberships/external committees

2001- 2014: Cofounder and secretary of EACH (International association for communication in healthcare)
2011 - present: Member of the editorial board of Patient Education and Counseling
2012 - 2020 : Member of the faculty of the annual PhD program on Person-centred healthcare research, USN, Drammen, Norway
2021 - present: Co-editor IJPCM (International Journal for Person Centered Medicine)
2015 - present: Member of the advisory board of Zorgkeuzelab
2016 - present: Member of the advisory board of Medgezel
2018 - present: Co-editor of Patient-Centered Innovation
2018 - present: Member of steering group of Care2report