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Evaluatie van kansrijke beweegprogramma’s om lichaamsbeweging in de Nederlandse bevolking te bevorderen.

Leemrijse, C.J., Ooms, L., Veenhof, C. Evaluatie van kansrijke beweegprogramma’s om lichaamsbeweging in de Nederlandse bevolking te bevorderen. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2011, 89(7), p. 372-379.
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As part of the Dutch ‘National Action Plan for Sports and Exercise (NASB)’, so-called ‘inactive municipalities’ receive financial support for implementing interventions to stimulate physical activity in the population. In order to support municipalities in selecting an appropriate physical activity intervention, the NIVEL made an inventory of available interventions and assessed their quality. Physical activity interventions were recruited through different channels. Owners of interventions were asked to send manuals, protocols and research reports to the researchers. Based on this material and using a self-developed list of criteria, the feasibility, theoretical and empirical foundation of the interventions was measured. Seventy-two relevant physical activity interventions were found. These were classified into four categories, varying in the degree of feasibility and empirical foundation. The first category included five interventions for which controlled studies revealed positive effects on physical activity. For 33 interventions from the last category the effect on physical activity was not evaluated at all. Therefore, it can generally be stated that further studies into the effectiveness of interventions are needed in order to distinguish which interventions are the most effective. In future, the most effective interventions should be the ones that are applied to stimulate physical activity. (aut. ref.)