Coordinator research program Communication in Healthcare; endowed professor 'Communication in healthcare, especially in primary care', Radboud University, the Netherlands
Publication date
Gender differences in gynecologist communication.
Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Gender differences in gynecologist communication. Women & Health: 2000, 30(3), p. 49-61.
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The intimate nature of gynecological health problems requires the physician's specific attention. On the basis of previous findings in primary care, female gynecologists are expected to communicate more affectively than men. This study addressed gender differences in gynecologist communication behavior by comparing videotapes of real-life outpatient encounters with female (N=107) and male (N=196) gynecologists by means of bivariate and multilevel analysis. Only a few gender differences were found: female gynecologists performed longer physical examinations, showed more global attentiveness, and asked fewer medical questions. Either the duration of the medical education or the type of statistical analysis may account for this lack of gender differences. (aut.ref.)
The intimate nature of gynecological health problems requires the physician's specific attention. On the basis of previous findings in primary care, female gynecologists are expected to communicate more affectively than men. This study addressed gender differences in gynecologist communication behavior by comparing videotapes of real-life outpatient encounters with female (N=107) and male (N=196) gynecologists by means of bivariate and multilevel analysis. Only a few gender differences were found: female gynecologists performed longer physical examinations, showed more global attentiveness, and asked fewer medical questions. Either the duration of the medical education or the type of statistical analysis may account for this lack of gender differences. (aut.ref.)