Senior researcher Communication in Healthcare
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Methods for analyzing actual communication: a shared decision making consultation under multiple methodological lenses.
Menichetti, J., Henselmans, I., Noordman, J., Landmark, A.M., Gerwing, J., Hillen, M., Pieterse, A. Methods for analyzing actual communication: a shared decision making consultation under multiple methodological lenses. Patient Education and Counseling: 2021, 104(10), p. 2598-2600.
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Imagine you are a communication researcher setting out to study a real-life consultation for the first time; it may easily seem like entering a jungle. Communication is everywhere, and it is extremely complex. Beauties are around the corner, but wrong tracks too. The good news is that there are different roadmaps through the jungle, ones that can help you uncover precious insights. We devote these pages to offer a quick overview of a few methods for embarking on the analysis of healthcare interactions. To that end, we use an exemplar transcript of an audio-recorded medical consultation, collected to investigate the following central question: To what extent are patients involved in treatment decision making? We will briefly introduce two deductive coding methods (the Observing Patient Involvement scale and the Roter Interaction Analysis System) and two inductive coding methods (conversation analysis and microanalysis of clinical interaction). We present how the transcript would have been approached by researchers trained in these different methods of analysis, in terms of research question, data and analysis requirements, quality criteria commonly used, and findings that can result from the analysis.
Imagine you are a communication researcher setting out to study a real-life consultation for the first time; it may easily seem like entering a jungle. Communication is everywhere, and it is extremely complex. Beauties are around the corner, but wrong tracks too. The good news is that there are different roadmaps through the jungle, ones that can help you uncover precious insights. We devote these pages to offer a quick overview of a few methods for embarking on the analysis of healthcare interactions. To that end, we use an exemplar transcript of an audio-recorded medical consultation, collected to investigate the following central question: To what extent are patients involved in treatment decision making? We will briefly introduce two deductive coding methods (the Observing Patient Involvement scale and the Roter Interaction Analysis System) and two inductive coding methods (conversation analysis and microanalysis of clinical interaction). We present how the transcript would have been approached by researchers trained in these different methods of analysis, in terms of research question, data and analysis requirements, quality criteria commonly used, and findings that can result from the analysis.