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Patients' preferences and experiences in handling emotions: a study on communication sequences in primary care medical visits.

Dulmen, S. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den. Patients' preferences and experiences in handling emotions: a study on communication sequences in primary care medical visits. Patient Education and Counseling: 2004, 55(1), p. 149-152.
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The present study examined the communication sequences consisting of doctors’ responses to patients’ concerns in relation to the patient’s empathic preference and perception and the level of anxiety provoked by the medial visit. More specifically, the following questions were addressed: (1) How many patients prefer an empathic doctor? (2) Do more anxious patients prefer a more empathic doctor? (3) Do doctors respond to patients concerns in an affective or an instrumental way? (4) Are doctors’ adequate responses perceived as such by the patients resulting in lower anxiety levels? (aut.ref.)