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Samenwerking tussen zorg- en hulpverleners in de achterstandswijk Overvecht.

Leemrijse, C., Bitter, N., Korevaar, J. Samenwerking tussen zorg- en hulpverleners in de achterstandswijk Overvecht. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2020, p. 4 p..
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Utrecht Overvecht is a deprived neighbourhood with more than 34,000 inhabitants. Many residents are living from social assistance benefits and perceived health is low. Professionals from healthcare and the social domain work together in the neighbourhood approach 'Krachtige basiszorg’. They offer integrated person-oriented care close to home, for persons with an accumulation of medical and social problems. Professionals are enthusiastic because they provide better care through collaboration, but also see room for improvement.