Senior researcher Infectious Diseases in Primary Care
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Weinig RS-virus afgelopen winter; hoe komt dit en wat zijn de verwachtingen voor de komende seizoenen?
ENG: Very little RSV last winter, how can this be explained and what can we expect in the coming seasons?
Summeren, J.J.G.T. van, Hendriksen, J.M.T., Paget, J., Meijer, A. Weinig RS-virus afgelopen winter; hoe komt dit en wat zijn de verwachtingen voor de komende seizoenen?
ENG: Very little RSV last winter, how can this be explained and what can we expect in the coming seasons? Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten: 2021, 16(3), p. 80-85.
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Sinds de invoering van de COVID-19-maatregelen is in Europa nauwelijks circulatie van respiratoir synctieel virus (RS-virus). De verwachtingen voor de volgende RS-virusepidemie/epidemieën in Nederland worden beschreven in 4 scenario’s. Het belangrijkste is dat de volgende RS-virusepidemie(en) waarschijnlijk omvangrijker zal/zullen zijn dan normaal, omdat het aantal kinderen met onvoldoende immuniteit tegen het RS-virus toeneemt. Bovendien kan een RS-virusepidemie buiten het gebruikelijke winterseizoen plaatsvinden.
De RS-viruscirculatie is slechts gedeeltelijk gerelateerd aan de COVID-19-maatregelen. Een strenger pakket aan COVID-19-maatregelen lijkt de verspreiding van het RS-virus meer te onderdrukken.
Het monitoren van RS-virusinfecties via surveillance is belangrijk om een toename tijdig op te merken. Huisartspraktijken en ziekenhuizen hebben op die manier voldoende tijd om zich voor te bereiden op een toename van patiënten, hoofdzakelijk kinderen, met een RS-virusinfectie.
Since the introduction of measures to control the circulation of SARS-CoV-2, there has been very little respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) circulation in Europe.
As it is difficult to predict when RSV will start to spread in the Netherlands, 4 scenarios are presented and described. It is hypothesized that the next epidemic(s) will be larger in size, as the number of children without protective immunity, and therefore more susceptibility for RSV, has increased. Moreover, the epidemic might start outside the winter season.
RSV circulation is only partially affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. It can only stop RSV circulation completely when strict COVID-19 preventive measures apply.
Monitoring RSV infections via surveillance is important, as this data allows general practices and hospitals to be prepared for an increase in the number of RSV patients, especially in children.
De RS-viruscirculatie is slechts gedeeltelijk gerelateerd aan de COVID-19-maatregelen. Een strenger pakket aan COVID-19-maatregelen lijkt de verspreiding van het RS-virus meer te onderdrukken.
Het monitoren van RS-virusinfecties via surveillance is belangrijk om een toename tijdig op te merken. Huisartspraktijken en ziekenhuizen hebben op die manier voldoende tijd om zich voor te bereiden op een toename van patiënten, hoofdzakelijk kinderen, met een RS-virusinfectie.
Since the introduction of measures to control the circulation of SARS-CoV-2, there has been very little respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) circulation in Europe.
As it is difficult to predict when RSV will start to spread in the Netherlands, 4 scenarios are presented and described. It is hypothesized that the next epidemic(s) will be larger in size, as the number of children without protective immunity, and therefore more susceptibility for RSV, has increased. Moreover, the epidemic might start outside the winter season.
RSV circulation is only partially affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. It can only stop RSV circulation completely when strict COVID-19 preventive measures apply.
Monitoring RSV infections via surveillance is important, as this data allows general practices and hospitals to be prepared for an increase in the number of RSV patients, especially in children.
Since the introduction of measures to control the circulation of SARS-CoV-2, there has been very little respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) circulation in Europe.
As it is difficult to predict when RSV will start to spread in the Netherlands, 4 scenarios are presented and described. It is hypothesized that the next epidemic(s) will be larger in size, as the number of children without protective immunity, and therefore more susceptibility for RSV, has increased. Moreover, the epidemic might start outside the winter season.
RSV circulation is only partially affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. It can only stop RSV circulation completely when strict COVID-19 preventive measures apply.
Monitoring RSV infections via surveillance is important, as this data allows general practices and hospitals to be prepared for an increase in the number of RSV patients, especially in children.
As it is difficult to predict when RSV will start to spread in the Netherlands, 4 scenarios are presented and described. It is hypothesized that the next epidemic(s) will be larger in size, as the number of children without protective immunity, and therefore more susceptibility for RSV, has increased. Moreover, the epidemic might start outside the winter season.
RSV circulation is only partially affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. It can only stop RSV circulation completely when strict COVID-19 preventive measures apply.
Monitoring RSV infections via surveillance is important, as this data allows general practices and hospitals to be prepared for an increase in the number of RSV patients, especially in children.