
My main research project is about the disease burden of RSV infections in young children in primary care, the RSV ComNet project. In this project we have developed and evaluated a standardised disease burden protocol to measure the clinical and socio-economic disease burden of RSV infections in young children in primary care. We have evaluated the protocol in the winter of 2019/20 in Italy and the Netherlands. After evaluation we have updated this standardised disease burden protocol and we are implementing the revised protocol in more European countries in the winter of 2020/21. In addition, I am involved in the Global Epidemiology of RSV in Community and hospitalized care (GERI) project and the Burden of Influenza and RSV Disease (BIRD) project.



November 2019 - present: Researcher Nivel
2014 - 2019: PhD student in the University Medical Center Groningen at the department of general practice. Thesis: “Management of childhood functional constipation in primary care”
Currently, I am finishing the last chapters of my thesis.
2013 - 2014: Junior researcher at the department of general practice in the UMCG. In this project we investigated the feasibility of a decision aid (Outcome Prioritization Tool) to elicit patient preferences of elderly patients with multimorbidity and polifarmacy.
2010 - 2013: Student assistant/research assistant in the UMCG.

2010 - 2012: Master Human Movement Sciences Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2007 - 2010: Bachelor Human Movement Sciences Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2001 - 2007: Pre-university college (VWO) Blariacumcollege Blerick