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Mariska Scheffer, MSc
Researcher (PhD candidate) Care Demand of the Chronically Ill and Disabled


As a junior researcher I am involved in the programme "Care and participation of people with a chronic condition". The programme aims to gain insight into experiences with care, participation and the quality of life of people with a chronic condition or disability. The research focuses primarily on topics regarding care and support. I am working on questionnaire development, the collection and analysis of data and the reporting of research findings.



- Research Intern Erasmus University Medical Center, Public Health Department, Evaluation of cost-effectiveness analyses of infectious disease prevention strategies

- Research Intern Edinburgh Napier University, Population and Public Health Department, Raising student nurses’ awareness of poverty and social justice

- Research Intern VU University Medical Center, Clinical Genetics Department, Attitude of parents towards prolonged retention and secondary use of dried blood spots
- Master Public Policy and Human Development (United Nations University, Maastricht University)

- Master Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences (VU Amsterdam)

- Bachelor Biomedical Sciences (University of Amsterdam)