Senior researcher Care Demand of the Chronically Ill and Disabled
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Positieve beoordeling van de zorg weinig veranderd tijdens de coronapandemie, maar nog altijd ruimte voor verbetering.
Menting, J., Scheffer, M., Spreeuwenberg, P., Schelven, F. van. Positieve beoordeling van de zorg weinig veranderd tijdens de coronapandemie, maar nog altijd ruimte voor verbetering. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2022, 100(1), p 1-8.
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Het meten van patiëntervaringen geeft belangrijke inzichten in de kwaliteit van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. Het huidige onderzoek toetst in hoeverre de ervaren kwaliteit van zorg door de jaren heen is veranderd en hoe deze samenhangt met veranderingen in zorg en gezondheid tijdens de coronapandemie.
Patiëntervaringen zijn verzameld met tevredenheidsoordelen en de kwaliteitsindicator PREM Chronische Zorg, onder een representatieve steekproef van mensen met een chronische ziekte. Trendanalyses (2016–2020) zijn uitgevoerd en verschillen tussen subgroepen zijn getoetst met Mann-Whitney U‑toetsen.
De kwaliteit van de zorg wordt over het algemeen positief ervaren, ook tijdens de coronapandemie in het najaar van 2020. In dat jaar zijn mensen het minst tevreden over de afstemming tussen zorgverleners en over de preventieve begeleiding van hun ziekte (respectievelijk 64% en 67% is (helemaal) tevreden). Trendanalyses laten zien dat de tevredenheid over preventieve begeleiding is gedaald en dat de tevredenheid over gezamenlijke besluitvorming door de jaren heen schommelt. Mensen die gevolgen van de coronapandemie ervaren voor hun zorg of gezondheid beoordelen aspecten van de gezondheidszorg minder positief dan diegenen die geen gevolgen ervaren.
Het is belangrijk om aandacht te hebben voor patiëntervaringen met zorgprocessen, waarbij extra nadruk zou moeten liggen op informatie over preventie, ondersteuning bij veranderingen in de gezondheid en de behandeling tijdens de coronapandemie, en goede afstemming tussen zorgverleners.
Measuring patient experiences provides important insight into the quality of Dutch healthcare. The current research shows how quality of care has changed over the years and how it correlates with changes in healthcare and health during the COVID-19-pandemic.
Patient experiences were collected using satisfaction ratings and the quality indicator PREM Chronic Care, among a representative group of people with a chronic disease. Trend analyses with repeated measurements (2016–2020) were performed and differences between subgroups were tested with Mann-Whitney U tests.
Quality of care ratings are mainly positive, also during the COVID-19-pandemic in autumn of 2020. In that year, people are the least satisfied with the coordination between healthcare providers and with preventive healthcare of their illness (64% and 67% is satisfied respectively). Trend analyses show that satisfaction with preventive healthcare has declined and satisfaction with shared decision-making has fluctuated over the years. People who experience consequences for their health(care) during the COVID-19-pandemic, are less satisfied with different aspects of healthcare quality than those who experience no consequences.
It seems important to pay attention to patient experiences about healthcare processes, with emphasis on additional information for prevention, support for changes in health and treatment during the COVID-19-pandemic, and good coordination between healthcare providers.
Het meten van patiëntervaringen geeft belangrijke inzichten in de kwaliteit van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. Het huidige onderzoek toetst in hoeverre de ervaren kwaliteit van zorg door de jaren heen is veranderd en hoe deze samenhangt met veranderingen in zorg en gezondheid tijdens de coronapandemie.
Patiëntervaringen zijn verzameld met tevredenheidsoordelen en de kwaliteitsindicator PREM Chronische Zorg, onder een representatieve steekproef van mensen met een chronische ziekte. Trendanalyses (2016–2020) zijn uitgevoerd en verschillen tussen subgroepen zijn getoetst met Mann-Whitney U‑toetsen.
De kwaliteit van de zorg wordt over het algemeen positief ervaren, ook tijdens de coronapandemie in het najaar van 2020. In dat jaar zijn mensen het minst tevreden over de afstemming tussen zorgverleners en over de preventieve begeleiding van hun ziekte (respectievelijk 64% en 67% is (helemaal) tevreden). Trendanalyses laten zien dat de tevredenheid over preventieve begeleiding is gedaald en dat de tevredenheid over gezamenlijke besluitvorming door de jaren heen schommelt. Mensen die gevolgen van de coronapandemie ervaren voor hun zorg of gezondheid beoordelen aspecten van de gezondheidszorg minder positief dan diegenen die geen gevolgen ervaren.
Het is belangrijk om aandacht te hebben voor patiëntervaringen met zorgprocessen, waarbij extra nadruk zou moeten liggen op informatie over preventie, ondersteuning bij veranderingen in de gezondheid en de behandeling tijdens de coronapandemie, en goede afstemming tussen zorgverleners.
Measuring patient experiences provides important insight into the quality of Dutch healthcare. The current research shows how quality of care has changed over the years and how it correlates with changes in healthcare and health during the COVID-19-pandemic.
Patient experiences were collected using satisfaction ratings and the quality indicator PREM Chronic Care, among a representative group of people with a chronic disease. Trend analyses with repeated measurements (2016–2020) were performed and differences between subgroups were tested with Mann-Whitney U tests.
Quality of care ratings are mainly positive, also during the COVID-19-pandemic in autumn of 2020. In that year, people are the least satisfied with the coordination between healthcare providers and with preventive healthcare of their illness (64% and 67% is satisfied respectively). Trend analyses show that satisfaction with preventive healthcare has declined and satisfaction with shared decision-making has fluctuated over the years. People who experience consequences for their health(care) during the COVID-19-pandemic, are less satisfied with different aspects of healthcare quality than those who experience no consequences.
It seems important to pay attention to patient experiences about healthcare processes, with emphasis on additional information for prevention, support for changes in health and treatment during the COVID-19-pandemic, and good coordination between healthcare providers.
Measuring patient experiences provides important insight into the quality of Dutch healthcare. The current research shows how quality of care has changed over the years and how it correlates with changes in healthcare and health during the COVID-19-pandemic.
Patient experiences were collected using satisfaction ratings and the quality indicator PREM Chronic Care, among a representative group of people with a chronic disease. Trend analyses with repeated measurements (2016–2020) were performed and differences between subgroups were tested with Mann-Whitney U tests.
Quality of care ratings are mainly positive, also during the COVID-19-pandemic in autumn of 2020. In that year, people are the least satisfied with the coordination between healthcare providers and with preventive healthcare of their illness (64% and 67% is satisfied respectively). Trend analyses show that satisfaction with preventive healthcare has declined and satisfaction with shared decision-making has fluctuated over the years. People who experience consequences for their health(care) during the COVID-19-pandemic, are less satisfied with different aspects of healthcare quality than those who experience no consequences.
It seems important to pay attention to patient experiences about healthcare processes, with emphasis on additional information for prevention, support for changes in health and treatment during the COVID-19-pandemic, and good coordination between healthcare providers.
Measuring patient experiences provides important insight into the quality of Dutch healthcare. The current research shows how quality of care has changed over the years and how it correlates with changes in healthcare and health during the COVID-19-pandemic.
Patient experiences were collected using satisfaction ratings and the quality indicator PREM Chronic Care, among a representative group of people with a chronic disease. Trend analyses with repeated measurements (2016–2020) were performed and differences between subgroups were tested with Mann-Whitney U tests.
Quality of care ratings are mainly positive, also during the COVID-19-pandemic in autumn of 2020. In that year, people are the least satisfied with the coordination between healthcare providers and with preventive healthcare of their illness (64% and 67% is satisfied respectively). Trend analyses show that satisfaction with preventive healthcare has declined and satisfaction with shared decision-making has fluctuated over the years. People who experience consequences for their health(care) during the COVID-19-pandemic, are less satisfied with different aspects of healthcare quality than those who experience no consequences.
It seems important to pay attention to patient experiences about healthcare processes, with emphasis on additional information for prevention, support for changes in health and treatment during the COVID-19-pandemic, and good coordination between healthcare providers.