Nivel: In 2023, more than half of the people with an invitation for a flu vaccination have been vaccinated

In 2023, more than half of the people with an invitation for a flu vaccination have been vaccinated

In 2023, the influenza vaccination coverage in the Netherlands was 55%. In 2021, 58% of those invited were vaccinated against influenza. Of those who were invited to receive the pneumococcal vaccine, 56% were vaccinated. These are the results of the annual Nivel monitors 'Vaccination coverage Dutch national influenza prevention program' and 'Vaccination coverage Dutch national pneumococcal vaccination program for adults'. The annual monitoring is commissioned by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Influenza vaccination coverage in the Netherlands at 55% in 2023

The target group of the Dutch national influenza prevention program consists of people at increased risk of complications from influenza in other words people aged 60 and over and people with certain medical conditions. In autumn, they receive a vaccination invitation from their general practitioner. In 2008, 72% of the target group was vaccinated. This decreased in subsequent years to 50% in 2017. Since then, flu vaccination coverage has started to rise again, peaking at 58% in 2021. For more information, open the English summary of the NPG 2023 monitor.

Extract from the monitor ‘Vaccination coverage Dutch national influenza prevention program’ 2023: the number of people who were vaccinated against influenza (flu) by their general practitioner as a percentage of the total number of people who were invited to do so (the target group), in the Netherlands, 2008 to 2023.

Pneumococcal vaccination coverage in the Netherlands at 56% in 2023

In 2023, the fourth year of the Dutch national pneumococcal vaccination program for adults (NPPV), people born between 1957 to 1960 (in other words, persons aged 63 to 66) were invited for vaccination by their general practitioner. Of this group, 56% was vaccinated. This is lower than in 2020, 2021 and 2022, when respectively 73%, 74% and 63% were vaccinated. However, it is important to recognize that these percentages are not directly comparable. The pneumococcal vaccination remains effective for five years, and since 2020 different age groups are being invited, starting with the highest aged group working downwards in age. In 2023, people aged 63-66 were invited, in 2022 those aged 66-69, in 2021 those aged 69-73 and in 2020 people aged 73-79 were invited. Influenza vaccination coverage increases with age and it is possible that pneumococcal vaccination coverage will also increase with age. For more information, open the English summary of the NPPV 2023 monitor.

Monitoring influenza and pneumococcal vaccination coverage

We use data from general practitioners participating in Nivel Primary Care Database, to monitor vaccine coverage for the Dutch national influenza prevention program (NPG) and the Dutch national pneumococcal vaccination program for adults (NPPV). The two monitors are featured by Nivel and commissioned by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).