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Marianne Heins, PhD
Researcher General Practice Care


As a researcher General Practice Care, I work on a wide range of research projects, for example on oncology care of flu vaccination. In addition, as one of the key researchers for Nivel Primary Care Database, I contribute to the annual figures about general practitioner day care and I handle internal and external data requests.



2011 – present: Researcher, Nivel, Utrecht
2008 – 2011: PhD student, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
2007 – 2008: Junior researcher, Pallas Health Research & Development, Rotterdam
2005 – 2007: Junior researcher, St. Antonius hospital, Nieuwegein
2013: PhD “The process of change in cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome”, Radboud University Nijmegen
2004: Doctorate Biomedical sciences, specialisation epidemiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
1999: Grammar school, Ludger College Doetinchem
Memberships/external committees
Dutch Society for Epidemiology