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Electrosurgery for medical specialists: basic proficiency requirements for the safe use of electrosurgery.

Porte, P.J., Verweij, L.W., Basten, J.P. van, Cate-Hoedemaker, H.O. ten, Boer, I. de, Kesteren, P.J.M. van, Wagner, C. Electrosurgery for medical specialists: basic proficiency requirements for the safe use of electrosurgery. Utrecht/Amsterdam: NIVEL, EMGO+, 2017. 6 p.
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The proficiency requirements in this publication were developed by the Nivel in collaboration with EGMGO+ and VUmc, as part of the project 'Competence of users of medical technology'.
An expert group of professionals was assembled for the development of the competence requirements 'Electrosurgery for medical specialists'.

The aim of this project is to develop for, and with, the field a generic roadmap for the responsible use of medical technology. This document can also serve as a basis for developing competence requirements for users of medical technology in a related field.