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Prof. Cordula Wagner, PhD
CEO; project coordinator Patient Safety; professor 'Patient safety' at VU University / Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands


I’m a health services researcher and principal investigator who has supervised a large variety of national and international research projects in the field of quality management, change management and patient safety in health care, especially hospital care. Originally, I’ve studied physiotherapy and sociology.

My main interest is the improvement of organisational structures and cultures to improve healthcare for patients. Therefore, it is important to find and evaluate valuable solutions improving healthcare for patients and supporting stakeholders engaged in healthcare. Based on scientific evidence, I strive for new knowledge and products supporting healthcare professionals and policy makers in their work, as well as monitoring day-to-day quality, safety risks and compliance to improve the sustainability of the healthcare system.




I’m a health services researcher and principal investigator who has supervised a large variety of national and international research projects in the field of quality management, change management and patient safety in health care, especially hospital care. Originally, I’ve studied physiotherapy and sociology. 

My main interest is the improvement of organisational structures and cultures to improve healthcare for patients. Therefore, it is important to find and evaluate valuable solutions improving healthcare for patients and supporting stakeholders engaged in healthcare. Based on scientific evidence, I strive for new knowledge and products supporting healthcare professionals and policy makers in their work, as well as monitoring day-to-day quality, safety risks and compliance to improve the sustainability of the healthcare system.


2010: Oratie ‘Patiëntveiligheid. De paradox van innovatie en specialisatie’, VU University, Amsterdam
2008 - 2009: Graduate Diploma in Professional education for university lecturers, VU University
1995 - 1999: PhD Thesis ‘Implementation and Effectiveness of Quality Systems in Dutch health care organisations’, Faculty of medicine, VU University
1990 - 1994: Master of organisational and care sociology, University of Amsterdam
1985 - 1989: Diploma Physiotherapy, Organisation for higher education (cum laude)

Memberships/external committees

Member Health Council of the Netherlands (2015 – present)
Member Board of Trustees of Medirisk (2015 – present)
Member program committee ZonMw ‘Topspecialistische Zorg en Onderzoek’ (2019 – present)
Member Board of Trustees of De Hartekamp Groep (2024 - present)
Member Board of Trustees of Savant Zorg ( 2024 - present)
Various appointments over the last years for research projects and as an advisor for policy makers and professional groups. This comes from my large network and central position, combining scientific research and societal impact in the Netherlands.