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Verbeter uw verslaglegging, gebruik de EPD-scan-h.

Jabaaij, L., Njoo, K., Visscher, S., Hoogen, H. van den, Tiersma, W., Levelink, H., Verheij, R. Verbeter uw verslaglegging, gebruik de EPD-scan-h. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2009, 52(5), p. 240-246.
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Electronic patient records (EPRs, or elektronisch patiëntendossier, EPD) will fulfil their function only if general practices record patient data in a structured and uniform manner. To facilitate this, the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) has developed the guideline ‘Adequate record keeping in electronic patient records’ (ADEPD). In many cases, general practitioners who wish to follow the guideline will have to change the way they enter data in patient records and adapt existing records. The Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), IQ healthcare, and the NHG have developed the EPD-scan-h, an instrument to help GPs to identify which aspects of their record keeping they need to change or improve. The scan has been tested using data for 112,315 patients from 32 general practices that use the Promedico-ASP GP information system. The scan can also be used with other GP information systems, although the different quality of the various systems means that indicators and reference data may need to be adapted. The aim of the scan is to identify aspects of the EPR that need to be improved. General practices should give priority to the records of elderly patients and patients with chronic diseases because the availability of adequate and accessible information and data is crucial to the management of these patient groups.(aut. ref.)