
OECD PaRIS: development of a survey for patients with chronic conditions

Duration: Feb 2020 - Jan 2024

Many countries deal with a large increase in the number of inhabitants with (multiple) chronic conditions. As a result, the demand for care is changing and countries must adjust their health care system in order to be able to provide high-quality care to people with (multiple) chronic conditions, which is also future-proof. Primary care plays an important role in this.
The OECD supports countries in reforming their health care system. One of the ways in which this happens is by monitoring and comparing structures, processes and outcomes of care in countries. This is already happening on a large number of indicators, but not yet on so-called patient-reported indicators.
Because the voice of the patient is very important for the improvement of chronic care, the OECD Member States have asked the OECD to support the development of such indicators and their implementation in the participating countries.

Development odf a survey to assess specifically relevant generic (non-condition-specific) indicators of chronic care, This survey will consist of a questionnaire about the experiences and outcomes of care for primary care users aged 40 and over and a questionnaire for primary care providers to obtain information about the structure and organization of care.

The PaRIS-SUR project consists of two phases:
1. Development, translation and testing of the questionnaires (2020-2021);
2. Supporting coordinators in the participating countries in conducting a pilot of the PaRIS survey and its national implementation (2021-2024).

A survey, called the PAtient-Reported Indicators Survey (PARiS).

International project website:
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Project partners
The PARiS Consortium consists of: Nivel (leading partner); Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Ipsos MORI - Global Market Research and Public Opinion Specialist, United Kingdom; University of Exeter, United Kingdom; Avedis Donabedian Institute, Barcelona, Spain; OptiMedis AG - health management company, Hamburg, Germany