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Prof. Mieke Rijken, PhD
Senior researcher Organisation and Quality of Healthcare, Person-centred Integrated Care


As a senior researcher I am based in Nivel’s research programme General Practice Care. Furthermore I am a professor Health and Social Services at the University of Eastern Finland. My research focuses on the needs of persons with multiple chronic conditions or other complex health problems, and how health and social care could best be organized to meet these needs. As such, I study the design, implementation and outcomes of person-centred integrated care models in the Netherlands and other countries.




2015 - present: Senior researcher Person-centred integrated care, Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), Utrecht, The Netherlands
2019 - present: Professor International Health and Social Services, Department of Health and Social Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
2017 - 2018: Part-time Senior researcher integrated care, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). Bilthoven, The Netherlands
2000 - 2015: Head of research programme "Needs for care and support of people with chronic illness or disability", Nivel
1997 - 2000: Senior researcher Demand-driven care, Nivel
1995 - 1997: Postdoc researcher Allied health services, Nivel
1990 - 1995: PhD student, Department of Health and Clinical Psychology, Utrecht University
1989 - 1990: Junior researcher, Department of Health Education, Maastricht University


PhD training Department of Health and Clinical Psychology, Utrecht University, 1990 - 1995
Health Sciences, specialisation Health education, Maastricht University, 1984 - 1989