Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Combined use of aspirin and proton pump inhibitors: a study in a Dutch general practice database, 2011-2012
Duration: Dec 2011 - Sep 2012
People who have experienced a cardiovascular event often receive low-dose aspirin (LDASA). Because these agents can cause gastrointestinal complications, some of these patients are indicated for a proton pump inhibitor (PPI).
This study aims to provide insight into:
1. the extent of the combined use of LDASA with PPIs;
2. whether this combination is prescribed according to the latest evidence-based advice;
3. what the adherence to LDASA whether combined with PPIs or not is.
The study uses data from the National Information Network for Family Medicine (LINH). Since 2001, LINH has been collecting data on disease supply and treatment in general practice. Within LINH, GP prescribing can be tracked over time.
The study contributes to knowledge about the use of medication in people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This insight can contribute to further optimization of (pharmaco)therapy for this group.
People who have experienced a cardiovascular event often receive low-dose aspirin (LDASA). Because these agents can cause gastrointestinal complications, some of these patients are indicated for a proton pump inhibitor (PPI).
This study aims to provide insight into:
1. the extent of the combined use of LDASA with PPIs;
2. whether this combination is prescribed according to the latest evidence-based advice;
3. what the adherence to LDASA whether combined with PPIs or not is.
The study uses data from the National Information Network for Family Medicine (LINH). Since 2001, LINH has been collecting data on disease supply and treatment in general practice. Within LINH, GP prescribing can be tracked over time.
The study contributes to knowledge about the use of medication in people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This insight can contribute to further optimization of (pharmaco)therapy for this group.
Dit project wordt gesubsidieerd door
Astra Zeneca
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States