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Adaptive tasks in multiple sclerosis: development of an instrument to identify the focus of patients' coping efforts.

Bensing, J.M., Schreurs, K.M.G., Ridder, D.T.D. de, Hulsman, R.L. Adaptive tasks in multiple sclerosis: development of an instrument to identify the focus of patients' coping efforts. Psychology & Health: 2002, 17(4), 475-488
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Details the development of an instrument for measuring adaptive tasks encountered by patients in dealing with chronic illness in general and with multiple sclerosis (MS) in particular. The Questionnaire Adaptive Tasks in Multiple Sclerosis (QuAT-MS) is based on a bottom-up categorization of patients' statements on the losses, threats, and challenges brought about by their disease. Validity and reliability of this bottom-up categorization were established in a sample of 259 MS patients (aged 19-71 yrs) by examining their associations with related concepts relevant in adaptation to disease, such as coping, coping resources, and quality of life. Also investigated was whether patients' backgrounds and disease characteristics were related to adaptive tasks. Results show that adaptive tasks are more closely related with concepts relevant for adaptation (coping and coping resources) than with physical functioning and disease-related characteristics. Adaptive tasks were also associated with gender and level of education. It is concluded that adaptive tasks can be distinguished from related concepts like coping and quality of life. Furthermore, the QuAT-MS offers a reliable and patient-centered instrument for measuring the tasks which MS patients identify in their adaptation process. (aut. ref.)