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All you need to know about innovation in healthcare: the 10 best reads.

Ilinca, S., Hamer, S., Botje, D., Espin, J., Veloso Mendes, R., Mueller, J., Wijngaarden, J. van, Vinot, D., Plochg, T. All you need to know about innovation in healthcare: the 10 best reads. International Journal of Healthcare Management: 2012, 5(4), p. 193-202.
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Drawing on the vast extant literature on innovation, we propose a top 10 of best reads all healthcare managers should familiarize themselves with. A Delphi study has been conducted to identify and select the 10 most relevant and informative scientific writings, which can add significantly to the knowledge of managers by offering an introduction in the academic discussion on this topic. Our must-read list provides a broad but still meaningful overview, which aims for generalizability but maintains a level of precision which can generate clear, implementable ideas; it is a mix between a theory and conceptualization of innovation and practical evidence and advice. We distinguish between four main dimensions of innovation in healthcare: the why, the what, the how, and the who. While fairly comprehensive in itself, for those interested our list can also constitute a stepping stone towards the more technical academic analyses on innovation processes and dynamics. (aut. ref.)