Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
Publicatie datum
Chronic Disease Management Matrix 2010: results of a survey in ten European countries.
Rijken, P.M., Bekkema, N. Chronic Disease Management Matrix 2010: results of a survey in ten European countries. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2011.
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The aim of this publication is to continuously improve the models for managing chronic diseases. For this purpose it is important to learn about the essential features of Disease Management Programmes and the position of primary healthcare within these programmes. This publication provides an overview of the actual situation regarding chronic disease management in Europe.
The aim of this publication is to continuously improve the models for managing chronic diseases. For this purpose it is important to learn about the essential features of Disease Management Programmes and the position of primary healthcare within these programmes. This publication provides an overview of the actual situation regarding chronic disease management in Europe.