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'Perimenopausal' complaints in women and men: a comparative study.

Hall, E.V. van, Verdel, M., Velden, J. van der. 'Perimenopausal' complaints in women and men: a comparative study. Journal of Women's Health: 1994, 3(1), 45-49
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The objective of this investigation was to study the hormonal aspects of aspecific (psychomatic) complaints during the perimenopausal period. Data from health interviews with 8,679 women and men (age 25->75 years) belonging to a sample of general practitioners' practices, with respect to the occurence of complaints usually associated with the perimenopause and with respect to mental health (as evaluated through standardized questionnaires) were analysed. Except for excessive transpiration, a typical perimenopausal symptom related to decreased estrogen secretion, none of the other complaints usually attributed to the climateric increased more in women than in men during the perimenopausal period. This lack of correlation was observed also for the mental health status. It is concluded that psychosomatic complaints usually attributed to the climacteric are neither gender nor age specific and that, therefore, a hormonal cause for these complaints seems unlikely. (aut.ref.)