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Quality of working life and workload in home help services: a review of the literature and a proposal for a research model.

Arts, S.E.J., Kerkstra, A., Zee, J. van der, Huyer Abu-Saad, H. Quality of working life and workload in home help services: a review of the literature and a proposal for a research model. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences: 2001, 15(1), p. 12-24.
In this literature review, several models for quality of working life and workload appropriate for home help services are presented.

The aim was to develop a model for assessing the psychological and physical outcomes of working in home help services.

Although the models described in this review include many relevant aspects, such as job characteristics, working conditions, social support, stress, job satisfaction and burnout, they are not fully adequate for the specific situation in home help services. Accordingly, a new research model was developed based on the models presented and their research results.

This integrated model has three main components: workload, psychological and physical outcomes and capacity for coping. Although a relationship among these three components is assumed, its nature needs to be investigated.