Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
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School and leisure activities in adolescents and young adults with chronic digestive disorders: impact of burden of disease.
Calsbeek, H., Rijken, M., Bekkers, M.J.T.M., Dekker, J., Berge Henegouwen, G.P. van. School and leisure activities in adolescents and young adults with chronic digestive disorders: impact of burden of disease. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine: 2006, 13(2), p. 121-130.
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First, we compared the nature of burden of disease (i.e., manifestations of the disease in daily life) in adolescents and young adults with various chronic digestive disorders with controls. After that, we investigated whether burden of disease is associated with difficulties in school and leisure activities of adolescents and young adults with various digestive disorders. For this purpose, we performed a multicenter study in 5 diagnostic groups (total N = 758; ages 12 to 25 years) including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), chronic liver diseases, congenital disorders, celiac disease, and food allergy and a population based control group (N = 306) using a self-report questionnaire. Especially adolescents and young adults with a chronic liver disease, IBD, and food allergy were found to experience daily manifestations of their disease. Several disease burden characteristics, of which especially depression, could be identified as important contributors to difficulties in school performance and leisure activities. (aut.ref.)
First, we compared the nature of burden of disease (i.e., manifestations of the disease in daily life) in adolescents and young adults with various chronic digestive disorders with controls. After that, we investigated whether burden of disease is associated with difficulties in school and leisure activities of adolescents and young adults with various digestive disorders. For this purpose, we performed a multicenter study in 5 diagnostic groups (total N = 758; ages 12 to 25 years) including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), chronic liver diseases, congenital disorders, celiac disease, and food allergy and a population based control group (N = 306) using a self-report questionnaire. Especially adolescents and young adults with a chronic liver disease, IBD, and food allergy were found to experience daily manifestations of their disease. Several disease burden characteristics, of which especially depression, could be identified as important contributors to difficulties in school performance and leisure activities. (aut.ref.)