Programmaleider Huisartsenzorg, huisarts
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SWAB guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in adults.
Terpstra, M.L., Geerlings, S.E., Nieuwkoop, C. van, Haarst, E.P. van, Boom, H., Knottnerus, B.J., Rozemeijer, W., Groot, C.J. de, Hertogh, C.M.P.M., Linden, P.D. van der, Prins, J.M. SWAB guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in adults. Leiden: Stichting Werkgroep Antibioticabeleid, 2020. 85 p.
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Optimization of the antibiotic policy in the Netherlands: SWAB guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in adults.
Optimization of the antibiotic policy in the Netherlands: SWAB guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in adults.