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Urinary tract infections in pre- and postmenopausal women, a different approach for general practitioners?

Merode, T. van, Koeijers, J., Nys, S., Bartelds, A., Stobberingh, E. Urinary tract infections in pre- and postmenopausal women, a different approach for general practitioners? Occhio Clinico: 2006(suppl. 6) 231. Abstract. 12th Regional Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine: "Towards medical renaissance bridging the gap between biology and humanities", Florence, Italy on 27-30 August 2006.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a very common disease among female patients visiting general practitioners. The higher incidence in post- compared to premenopausal women is considered to be due to differences in hormonal status. It is unknown however, whether these hormonal differences will influence the diagnostic work-up of and the antibiotic therapy prescribed by general practitioners and / or (the antibiotic susceptibility) of the uropathogens isolated. In this study urine samples of premenopausal (n = 93) and postmenopausal (n = 71) women presenting with complaints of an uncomplicated UT1 to their general practitioner were analysed in terms of diagnostic work-up, the antibiotic therapy prescribed and the antibiotic susceptibility of the uropathogens isolated. In both groups of patients the diagnostic work-up was comparable as were the results. Also the uropathogens did not show significant differences (i.e. E. coli being the most prevalent micro-organism) as were the results of the antibiotic susceptibility. These results suggest that estrogen deficiency is of minor importance for the uropathogens isolated. However, differences were observed in the choice and the duration of the antibiotic therapy prescribed: postmenopausal patients were prescribed longer therapy with other agents than premenopausal women. In conclusion, diagnostic work-up, antibiotic susceptibility and uropathogens isolated were quite similar in pre-and postmenopausal patients with complaints of an acute uncomplicated UTI. Differences were observed in the choice and the duration of the antibiotic therapy prescribed. (aut.ref.)