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Assessment of a structured nurse-led self-management support Intervention by nurses for patients with incurable cancer.

Veer, A.J.E. de, Slev, V.N., Pasman, H.R.W., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M., Francke, A.L., Uden-Kraan, C.F. van. Assessment of a structured nurse-led self-management support Intervention by nurses for patients with incurable cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum: 2020, 47(3), p. 305-317.
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To gain an understanding of the perceptions of patients with incurable cancer regarding a new nurse-led self-management support intervention with an integrated eHealth application (Oncokompas) and its potential effectiveness.

Sample & setting:
36 patients receiving support in the home setting.

Methods & variables:
A pre- and post-test mixed-methods design was used with a period of 12 weeks between the tests and qualitative interviews. Outcome measures were the perceived application of the intervention, patient satisfaction, patient activation, and quality of life.

85% of patients were satisfied with the assessment of their needs and the advice received. They valued nurses' expertise and the assistance provided in their homes. Twenty-five percent of the patients used Oncokompas. However, no statistically significant changes in patient activation and quality of life were found.

Implications for Nursing: This intervention can be used for encouraging self-management by patients with incurable cancer. Additional refinement and tailoring is desirable. Offering the intervention as early in the palliative phase as possible is recommended.