Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Communication and information about non-medical medication switches by the pharmacy team: patient's needs and preferences.
Schackmann, L., Heringa, M., Koster, E., Dijk, L. van, Vervloet, M. Communication and information about non-medical medication switches by the pharmacy team: patient's needs and preferences. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2022, 44(1), p. 287. Abstract of the 25th Annual Meeting of ESPACOMP, the International Society for Medication Adherence, 08–19 November 2021
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The pharmacy team often has to deliver a message about a medication switch. In order to have constructive conversations about medication switches, it is important for the information provision to be adapted to the patient’s needs. This may lead to better treatment adherence.
To assess patients’ needs and preferences concerning information about non-medical medication brand switches.
Online questionnaires were distributed via the Dutch patient organization for cardiovascular diseases panel. The questionnaire addressed communication, information provision and needs around conversations regarding medication switches. Descriptive analysis has been performed.
717 People completed the questionnaire, of whom 532 (75%) had at least one medication switch in the past year. Most respondents (90%) wanted to receive information, whereby written information before medication dispense (38%) or verbally during medication dispense (42%) was preferred. About half (54%) indicated that they had received enough information. About 59% of these respondents indicated that they had been informed by the pharmacy about why the switch took place, 42% were informed about the (same) effect of the medication. These were also the two most frequently mentioned topics on which patients would like to receive information.
Patients with cardiovascular disease were enquired, though medication switches may have other effects on different patient-groups or medication types.
When information is given about a medication switch, in this case about 50% of the respondents, this is often the information that patients need.
The pharmacy team often has to deliver a message about a medication switch. In order to have constructive conversations about medication switches, it is important for the information provision to be adapted to the patient’s needs. This may lead to better treatment adherence.
To assess patients’ needs and preferences concerning information about non-medical medication brand switches.
Online questionnaires were distributed via the Dutch patient organization for cardiovascular diseases panel. The questionnaire addressed communication, information provision and needs around conversations regarding medication switches. Descriptive analysis has been performed.
717 People completed the questionnaire, of whom 532 (75%) had at least one medication switch in the past year. Most respondents (90%) wanted to receive information, whereby written information before medication dispense (38%) or verbally during medication dispense (42%) was preferred. About half (54%) indicated that they had received enough information. About 59% of these respondents indicated that they had been informed by the pharmacy about why the switch took place, 42% were informed about the (same) effect of the medication. These were also the two most frequently mentioned topics on which patients would like to receive information.
Patients with cardiovascular disease were enquired, though medication switches may have other effects on different patient-groups or medication types.
When information is given about a medication switch, in this case about 50% of the respondents, this is often the information that patients need.