Senior onderzoeker Zorgstelsel en Sturing; hoogleraar 'Sociale en geografische aspecten van gezondheid en zorg', Universiteit Utrecht
Publicatie datum
Die Rolle von Panel-Erhebungen zur Gesundheitsversorgung in einem System von Leistungsindikatoren.
Groenewegen, P.P., Sixma, H., Delnoij, D. Die Rolle von Panel-Erhebungen zur Gesundheitsversorgung in einem System von Leistungsindikatoren. In: W. Streich; B. Braun; U. Helmert. Surveys im Gesundheitswesen: Entwicklungen und Perspectiven in der Versorgungsforschung und Politikberatung. Sankt Augustin: Asgard-Verlag, 2005. p. 59-67.
The authors describe how health services research can be conducted using a panel of consumers or patients. The role of this kind of research in a system of outcome indicators and methods of measuring quality of care from the patients'perspective are outlined.
The authors describe how health services research can be conducted using a panel of consumers or patients. The role of this kind of research in a system of outcome indicators and methods of measuring quality of care from the patients'perspective are outlined.