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eHealth-monitor 2013: summary.
NICTIZ, NIVEL. eHealth-monitor 2013: summary. Den Haag/Utrecht: Nictiz, NIVEL, 2013. 26 p.
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The national eHealth monitor was conducted by Nictiz and NIVEL. The survey monitors the availability and use of eHealth applications by healthcare users and healthcare providers. Two different approaches were adopted to carry out the survey. The first was a consultative phase, comprising interviews with twenty-one stakeholders from the field of healthcare. The second was a survey of questions sent to respondents from the healthcare consumer panel of Nivel and the medical panel of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG). Section 2 of the survey report provides more detailed information on the structure of the survey, the stakeholders consulted and the composition of the survey panels.
This first eHealth monitor is aimed primarily at the curative side of healthcare. This does not mean that eHealth is not of relevance for long-term care, quite the contrary. The second eHealth monitor to be published in 2014 will therefore also focus on long-term care. In this way, we can do justice to the importance of eHealth in both sectors.
This first eHealth monitor is aimed primarily at the curative side of healthcare. This does not mean that eHealth is not of relevance for long-term care, quite the contrary. The second eHealth monitor to be published in 2014 will therefore also focus on long-term care. In this way, we can do justice to the importance of eHealth in both sectors.
The national eHealth monitor was conducted by Nictiz and NIVEL. The survey monitors the availability and use of eHealth applications by healthcare users and healthcare providers. Two different approaches were adopted to carry out the survey. The first was a consultative phase, comprising interviews with twenty-one stakeholders from the field of healthcare. The second was a survey of questions sent to respondents from the healthcare consumer panel of Nivel and the medical panel of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG). Section 2 of the survey report provides more detailed information on the structure of the survey, the stakeholders consulted and the composition of the survey panels.
This first eHealth monitor is aimed primarily at the curative side of healthcare. This does not mean that eHealth is not of relevance for long-term care, quite the contrary. The second eHealth monitor to be published in 2014 will therefore also focus on long-term care. In this way, we can do justice to the importance of eHealth in both sectors.
This first eHealth monitor is aimed primarily at the curative side of healthcare. This does not mean that eHealth is not of relevance for long-term care, quite the contrary. The second eHealth monitor to be published in 2014 will therefore also focus on long-term care. In this way, we can do justice to the importance of eHealth in both sectors.