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Illness/treatment perceptions and overprotection as determinants of labour participation in renal patients.

Jansen, D., Heijmans, M., Rijken, M. Illness/treatment perceptions and overprotection as determinants of labour participation in renal patients. Psychology & Health: 2006, 21(suppl. 1), p. 71-72. Abstract. 20th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society " Social change and new challenges for health psychology", Warsaw, Poland, on August 30th - September 2nd, 2006.
Objectives (1): To gain insight into the role of illness/treatment perceptions and overprotection in the labour participation and autonomy of patients with renal insufficiency and (2) to develop a protocol to assist renal patients to start, stay or reintegrate on the labour market. Methods (1): Literature review and (2) prospective cohort study among pre-dialysis, dialysis and transplanted patients. Results: Literature suggests that illness/treatment perceptions and support from family/doctors are important for work and participation in general. Results from the cohort study will be presented (Wave 1) in which these relationships are investigated. Conclusions; The study will contribute to a better understanding of the social participation of renal patients. (aut. ref.)